Amazing art by my friend and fellow teacher candidate Emily Hanson. Check out her page on Instagram @thecrossandink.papery
As a stare outside at the fresh blanket of snow I am reminded that 2021 has begun and our fresh start has arrived. The beginning of each year always feels like the start of a new book. You do not know what is going to lie a head and the possibilities can be endless. Picking one word to encompass my feelings for 2021 was a very daunting task. I was browsing a friend’s artwork this morning and saw the picture above and felt instantly that my one word for 2021 had to be G.R.A.C.E.
As a human in this world, I know that everyday I need grace. I am not a perfect human (shocker I know) and it is because of this that my family must be gracious with me, my friends must be gracious with me, and even the mail man must be gracious with me and my never-ending amazon deliveries. As we begin our final practicum, I pray that I see grace in this process. I hope that the program shows us grace as we try to learn and teach during a worldwide pandemic. I hope they show us grace as we are expected to pivot at a moments notice. I hope the teachers out there show us grace as we come into their classroom and put our skills to the test. I hope the students show us grace as they see we are learning along with them. I hope my friends and family show me grace as I slip into the abyss of this practicum and no longer have the time, we have grown so accustom to over the Christmas break. I hope my dog shows me grace as I transition from being by his side all day to beginning my 10-week practicum journey into a routine that will one day be our reality. I hope I show myself grace as I set goals and try new things. I hope I accept failures graciously and know that failing is just my first attempt at trying. I hope I am gracious with myself as I set expectations for this practicum and my abilities but also gracious with myself as I start personal journeys of growth in my life. I aspire to show grace towards my professors as well as the teachers who have graciously given up 10 weeks of their time to teach me. I hope that they see through my actions and my efforts how grateful I am for them and the role everyone has played in getting me to my destination of becoming a teacher.
Lastly but certainly not least I hope this year is filled with grace for our young learners. These young minds have been living through a worldwide pandemic. They have seen things and experienced things I could never fathom going through at their age. I promise that through this practicum I will be showing each student the grace they need to succeed. We owe it to them to give them the best of us and in order to do that we must be understanding. These amazing strong young people need our grace.
Watch the video bellow to see the children’s book I made. This book is compiled of pictures from my hometown of Likely BC. Each page in the book contains a unique writing prompt. This book could be used in the classroom to get students engaged in creative writing, and is a great way to connect to place and land.
During our second semester we were welcomed into Harwin Elementary where we were able to immerse ourselves into the classroom environment. During this time we spent one day a week with a small group of learners developing a social studies program focusing on our students place. With my small group of grade 4/5 learners we spent our time together learning about natural resources and how they affect our place of Prince George.
This learning experience was so beneficial as it was our first major experience lesson planning and putting these plans into action. My lesson focused on Prince George and its natural resources and how these resources have shaped the community and the Indigenous peoples of both the present and future. My students were then able to take their findings and create a group model to represent a historical Prince George and what it may have looked like before industrialization. Here are some images of their final model.
Throughout my practicum and my time at Harwin I found we focused a lot on place and connecting to the community around us. I began to wonder how exactly we could expect our students to connect to place if we were not utilizing the world around us, by this I mean utilizing our outdoor classrooms. I was fortunate enough to have a coaching teacher who really believed in the value of learning outside. She in fact had an outdoor classroom that we utilized on a daily basis.
We have heard a lot about teaching students about place and why it is important, and teachers praise outdoor classrooms, yet they only seem to use these methods during May and June when the weather is warm and sunny. During my time at Harwin I was having the kids build a model of their community yet not once did we go outside and actually explore the land around us. Having the opportunity in my practicum to utilize outdoor learning I began to wonder just how much benefits there are to learning outside and if outdoor learning has limitations.
I started to talk to my coaching teacher about her use of her outdoor classroom and why we don’t see other teachers at the school following suit. She informed me that she has used her outdoor classroom for years and has found teachers find it to be challenging or a waist of time with how long it takes to transition to outdoor time. We also discussed how she uses her outdoor class balanced between indoor learning and outdoor learning and how some things are easier to conduct at tables or with a whiteboard. I asked her about the nature Kindergarten in Williams lake and her opinions on that. In Williams lake we have a nature kindergarten where children spend 80-90% of their time learning outside. She says though it has many benefits children coming into grade 1 after attending that program are behind their fellow classmates. This made me wonder if our standards are truly important. I think we stand to benefit more then just the ABC if we are learning outside. Students are able to make human connections to their world and community. Students are able to build upon empathy as they see the world grow and see how their actions impact this. I am curious as to who decided what was important to learn and why there seems to be a hierarchy of what is important to know. Yes, I believe the curriculum is important I wouldn’t be going into this career if I didn’t think this. However, I think with the way of our world there are many more important things to teach besides ABC, 123 we need to teach our students how to be human in a digital world.
Okay I got a little long winded here. For my inquiry project I intend to research and understand the benefits of outdoor learning and how it plays a role in our students social emotional and academic development. We can’t teach students about place and community and sense of self if they live in a box in a school or explore solely through our online world.
Scanning: Before we even started with the kids at Harwin when we were fist given an overview of what we were to do with our students, I started to research and brainstorm ideas to teach students about place. Most of my ideas focused more so on the social studies curriculum and I think it was there that I made y first mistake. I didn’t even consider taking students outdoors in order to teach them about their place.
Focusing: Our time at Harwin we were told to not only focus on the social studies curriculum but to focus on sense of place. I did this by building a diorama of Prince George with my students. However, I began to see how we were teaching our students about place without taking them outside to explore their place.
Developing a Hunch: Noticing the lack of connection to our outdoor place I began to think of how I could build upon this during my practicum. How beneficial was the outdoors during a student learning and how can we utilize this as much as possible? I was blessed to not only have a coaching teacher who saw this benefit but had an outdoor classroom herself.
Learning: Through out my practicum I began to learn and understand the benefits of outdoor classrooms. I was encouraged to utilize this resource and decided to run with it. I created lessons focusing on my outdoor classroom and transitioned as many lessons as I could to fit our outdoor environment. With that hands-on experience I was able to see firsthand how much this impacted my kindergarten class. I saw more engagement and excitement, and never-ending hands-on possibilities. I focused on our five sense during my last week of practicum and this was very beneficial as we had the opportunity to go on a nature walk and use all five sense in an interactive way. I saw how much the students were able to retain from that lesson compared to a lesson taught solely indoors. Having this opportunity to use an outdoor classroom and learn from that experience I started to wonder about all the benefits outdoor learning provides.
Taking Action: This goes hand in hand with the learning as I mentioned all of the outdoor learning, I did with my kindergarten class during practicum. Through my learning I was taking action and testing my theory about outdoor learning. Going on nature walks, exploring color with snow, going on scavenger hunts, and exploring our sense of place.
Checking: During my practicum I was able to check and understand my theory on outdoor classrooms by putting it to the test. I then used research to further understand and back up my believes of outdoor classrooms. I was able to see the research supporting outdoor classrooms and use it to better my understanding of what they entail and how we should be utilizing them.
Once I decided that I wanted to focus on outdoor classrooms I had to decide if I want to focus on negatives and positives or solely focus on the benefits of outdoor classrooms. I decided to focus on the latter. I knew I wanted to represent this using visual arts as I believe that is one of the benefits to outdoor learning. Everything around you becomes a hands-on visual lesson. I envisioned a painting of a child and out of that child stems a tree, this tree is filled with the benefits of outdoor classrooms. I did some research to back up my beliefs. I think what’s important here is that, just by looking at my painting you can understand how important outdoor learning is. Reading a paper about outdoor learning is not going to be as powerful as seeing an image, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” To add to that I think the best way to see the benefits of outdoor learning is to get out their and put it to the test. So even though I think my painting is enough to prove my point I have provided a list of benefits to outdoor classrooms as well as my references to support my case.
My experience at Harwin and during my practicum were incredibly positive and beneficial to my learning. I think it is incredibly important for not only us as educators but for students to understand a sense of place. Knowing where you belong and connecting to the world around you are fundamental parts of you as a person. During my practicum I witnessed the benefits of outdoor classrooms and it sparked a desire to understand outdoor classrooms and the benefits they provide our learners. Seeing hands on the opportunities this provided my kindergarten class encouraged me to understand outdoor learning and how I intend to use it in the future. I knew outdoor learning was beneficial as this has always been a key part of who I am and what I stand for. The research I found only solidified how important outdoor learning is. I look back on my time at Harwin and feel disappointed that I never utilized the opportunity to go outside. Sadly, only one of my fellow teacher candidates took their students outside. How did I intend to teach my students about place if we never even stepped outside our four walls of the classroom? Outdoor learning doesn’t just improve student’s mental health, physical health but it provides them with the social emotional learning that is so important in our society. As I go into my next practicums and then into my teaching career, I plan to not only implement online classrooms on a regular basis but to encourage my fellow teacher candidates to do so themselves. I stated before that our young learners are our future when it comes to taking care of our planet well me and my fellow candidates are the future teachers and it is our responsibility to teach students this. The best way to do this will be to take advantage of the world around us.
The Benefits of Outdoor Education
I had the opportunity to present at the West Cast conference with my fellow classmates; Kelsey MacDonald, Allison Cuthbertson, and Nina Patterson.
Nina Paterson, Allison Cuthbertson, Kelsey MacDonald, and Myself
We came together and presented on the importance of fostering resiliency in our young learners. We proposed a whole model approach and using the Medicine Wheel as a tool for building resilient learners. In order to teach the whole child we must see the whole child focusing on their spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental health. Providing your students with lessons on financial literacy, relationship building, physical health, nutrition, and mindfulness are just some ways you can teach your learners resiliency. As a team we recommended using the medicine wheel as a check in tool with your students. Having students reflect on their spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental health daily can help them understand how they are feeling and how they can be running at their best. Daily check-ins with your students will help you reach them and understand who they are and how you can help them as a whole.
As a team one of our biggest takeaways from our presentations and the research and conversations that brought us here, was the importance of being an ally for Indigenous education. We must stand together to be the change we want to see. I have attached a video we made of people we found who stand as allies of Indigenous education.
Today I collaborated my learning with Kelsey MacDonald and Allison Cuthbertson, we attended sessions together via zoom so we could easily discuss and share our big takeaways.
I wanted to focus on one session we attended called Sharing early years wisdom as a community of practice. This session focused on the works of a group of childhood educators, primary teachers, and community partners who came together with the goal to engage in dialogue and share resources on the dynamics of transitions between early childhood education and starting elementary school. This topic interested me on a personal level as I spent 4 years working as an Early Childhood Educator Assistant and now, I have found myself following my path with heart in becoming an educator. This session touched on so many interesting points, such as, the lack of understandings when it comes to expectations of our young learners. I know when I worked in the 3-5 class at a daycare it was interesting to see the expectations the ECEs had on the children. We were teaching them letter recognition and counting, they worked on tracing their name and sounds of letters. This spring I did a practicum in a kindergarten class and I actually had the chance to see some of my students from the daycare. I talked a lot with my coaching teacher on what is expected of a student starting kindergarten and she stated the same things sated in this workshop. “We want students to be able to get their coat and shoes on by themselves, go to the washroom independently, and sit in a circle at circle time.” This shocked me because I found as ECEs we were working the kids much harder than they needed to be, we had much higher expectations. I think its important to have expectations for children at all levels however I have found that many expectations educators have and even parents have been pushed to extreme levels.
In todays workshop they mentioned how many parents were also unaware of the expectation’s kindergartner teachers have for their new students. Students come to kindergarten to be taught the ABC, how to count and so on, so as educators we need to be sharing this information with the world. This workshop talked about the “kindergarten readiness” programs that are throughout our province. It was amazing to see how they noticed this lack of understanding and communication and took it upon themselves to make and action plan and put it into play.
How does this tie to assessment? In my last journal I talked a lot about the communication and reports we give to parents and I realize now after this workshop that, that communication may need to start before we even meet the students. This is specifically relating to kindergarten teachers, and I would like to note this is a grade I am passionate about and find myself wanting to work in the future. The primary teachers in school have to work with the community they are in to inform parents about their expectations and the assessment that will be taking place in their young child’s future. When teachers are able to clearly inform parents and other workers within the community (IE Early Childhood Educators) their requirements of the students we will better be able to prepare them for the classroom. The more prepared our students are the easier they will transition into school life and therefore will be more successful in their learning. This goes hand in hand with assessment. If the community is informed of the types of assessment that will take place in the class, we can prepare our young children. For the most part assessment no longer looks like it did for the generation of parents out there. So, it is important that we teach them about formative assessment and the difference that has with summative assessment. We also should be teaching our community about what it means to differentiate the assessment and how as educators we want to reach all students on their level. I think if the public was more informed of how we assess they will be able to be an asset to the students and prepare them for what lies ahead.
Furthermore, in these primary grades I think its important as educators that we explain to people why we are assessing. Even before a child is born, they are being compared and measured to that of an “average” baby. Once they are born every parent compares their child to another and every doctor and person within that child’s life is right alongside those parents comparing. (Is my child sitting up at six months? Is my child walking at a year? Are they saying enough words?)  We as educators do this to our students as soon as they start kindergarten. Can they recognize all the letters? Can they count to 20? All of these “milestones” affect us because this is why we assess them. I know fully that as a society we have placed an importance on this and it likely is not going to go away. We will be always comparing ourselves to other because I think it is in our nature. However, as educators I think it is important that we communicate to parents the reasons behind our assessment and as the teacher if you cant give a good reason as to why you are assessing a specific aspect of a students learning than you probably shouldn’t include that within your assessment.
Learning through the Land
Capturing an experience
The air is ice the wind screams and hollers all around me, I plant my feet firm in the earth to steady myself as a strong gust blows my way and nocks me off balance. I stand still and listen, the wind is loud, but the rush of the river is louder. As I walk and observe the world around me, I see the tracks of buffalo in the thick mud. My feet squish in the ground beneath me, I stumbled though the mud trying to get to quitter softer ground. Every step I take makes a loud gummy noise that echoes through the trees around me, I look behind to see my family walking in my footsteps, following every step I take though the mud as we search for the hard dry leaves up ahead. We are silent but the world around us is in a constant state of sound. The birds sing and warn the animals ahead of our arrival. The river rushes in the distance and the wind continues to howl around us. My spine stiffens as a gust of wind sends shivers through my core. My legs ache and my lungs burn as we climb steeper up the mountain. I close my eyes and think of the early morning hours waking by the fire, the heat and the smell of smoke still linger in my memory. I imagine being warm in my shelter covered and protected form the wind. A part of me yearns to turn back and head to where I know I am safe and warm. Yet my stomach flips as the butterflies of anticipation flutter within me. I know we are close; the buffalo are near. You can smell them in the air, their musty aroma fills my nostril as we trudge through the trees. I know the meadow is just ahead and if we push through, we will be blessed with the site of the herd. As the wind pushes us back, we stand as one ready to round the path into the open fields ahead. We stand strong bracing ourselves for what is ahead. The mighty buffalo.
Last week I was allowed the opportunity to go on a hunting trip with my family in the Sikanni Chief area. I wanted to share this free write I did while gone and share some photos of my time. This was an opportunity to learn and grow outside of the classroom and I am so grateful to be given the opportunity to learn in this way. I was able to connect to the Land and continue to show my appreciation for all things this Earth provides us. Being able to interact and connect with a new place and all it has to offer us was something that can not happen virtually and I am grateful for this experience.
Your students do not need to be present within the walls of the classroom to experience the joys of learning
The Sikanni Chief River
Sikanni Chief Falls
Sikanni Chief Falls
Three Generations of Bouchards
The Meadow Featured in the Story
Friday was an amazing day of growth and development. It was an honor to be welcomed by School District 57, to this unique learning opportunity. In a time when we feel so distant, we were able to virtually come together as family of educators and continue in our lifelong journey of learning. We had the opportunity to attend this Professional Day last year and I remember the chills of hearing the ceremonial drumming in person, it was sad that this had to be experienced virtually but I still find it amazing that technology provides us with these opportunities. The lectures throughout the day were filled with hard truths and a promise for the future.
A BIG take away: The importance of differentiating assessment to reach and impact our indigenous learners in a positive way. Providing your students with fair assessment does not mean they all have to be assessed in the same method, we need to shift our understanding the fair means same. Its important to reach each student on their level in a way that works for them as an individual learner. Finding different methods of assessment for each individual student will not only help benefit the learners but it will help you educate with a trauma informed lens. A method of assessment mentioned was using the medicine wheel as a tool for assessment. Using the medicine wheel is a way to include culturally relevant assessment for your students. They will be able to relate to this assessment method on a more personal level. If your students, see you reaching them on their level this will strengthen your relationship with them and help improve all aspects of the classroom.
I think the point about every professional development day is the more we continue to educate ourselves the better we can be for our students. I want to immerse myself in knowledge so I can continue to understand every child that walks through my door. Being a trauma informed educator will provide us with the tools needed to benefit our students. Understanding the intergenerational trauma and the impact is has on our indigenous learners will help us understand who they are and how we can help them best. As we continue our year as teacher candidates and soon educators within the districts, I think its important that we grab every opportunity of learning that comes our way. The more we understand the history and the hard truths of our indigenous people they more we will be able to change the classroom for the better.
“Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.”
– Malala Yousafzai