Standard 8

Educators contribute to the profession.

To be a part of Education is to be a part of a community. I found within my teaching program we soon became a community and leaned on each other for areas of growth. As I started spending more time in the schools and in a classroom, I saw firsthand just how important a sense of community is. I think a key part of being a member of a community is the effort you are willing to put in. Through out all my school and practicums I always gave 110% I wanted to put in all my effort, so I knew at the end of the day I did my best.

A few of my classmates and I had the opportunity to speak at WestCast in Vancouver in February of 2020. We presented on building resiliency by teaching the whole child. We presented on the Medicine wheel and how it can be used as a tool to check in with your students to ensure you are teaching the whole child. I found this opportunity to be extremely rewarding as we shared our research and attended many presentations that helped us grow as educators. You can find more on my time at WestCast under the first Peoples Principles of Learning section on my main page.

The UNBC West Cast Team

During one of my courses, we were tasked to complete a children’s book to teach literacy. I found this assignment so freeing and engaging. I decided to make a children’s book about my hometown. This project was such a success I ended up selling some copies to friends in the program as well as other friends and family. To find this book you can check out the “A Likely Story” section on the About me tab on the home page. I am currently in the works of getting this book published and have it available to the public to be used in many more classrooms around Canada.