Standard 6

Educators demonstrate a broad knowledge base and an understanding of areas they teach.

The profession of teaching is a commitment and desire to be actively engaged as a lifelong learner. I work hard to grow from all opportunities that come my way. During my practicums I emersed myself in the knowledge and experience of the teachers and principles in my school. Everything they had to offer me lead me to an area of growth and development. It is our responsibility to be providing students with accurate information on all subject areas they learned. I appreciated my time in Big Lake elementary because it allowed me the opportunity to teach outside my original comfort zone. Most of my lessons were taught on a primary level where I felt comfortable and strong in my understanding of the subjects. However, I was provided with the opportunity to teach in the intermediate grades where I found myself challenged with some difficult math concepts. To ensure my understanding was at a level needed to best teach my young learners. I spent many evenings preparing and researching topics. Not only did I want to have a firm understanding of these topics, but I wanted to have such a firm understanding that I was able to explain it to my learners in many ways to ensure I was reaching all students within the class. I found the more time you put into watching videos, reading text, and communicating my coaching teachers I became more and more confident in my abilities and this was able to be reflected in my teaching.

As my journey in Education continues, I hope I continue to see the value and importance in being a lifelong learner and embrace the learning opportunities that come my way.