One Word 2021

Amazing art by my friend and fellow teacher candidate Emily Hanson. Check out her page on Instagram @thecrossandink.papery
As a stare outside at the fresh blanket of snow I am reminded that 2021 has begun and our fresh start has arrived. The beginning of each year always feels like the start of a new book. You do not know what is going to lie a head and the possibilities can be endless. Picking one word to encompass my feelings for 2021 was a very daunting task. I was browsing a friend’s artwork this morning and saw the picture above and felt instantly that my one word for 2021 had to be G.R.A.C.E.
As a human in this world, I know that everyday I need grace. I am not a perfect human (shocker I know) and it is because of this that my family must be gracious with me, my friends must be gracious with me, and even the mail man must be gracious with me and my never-ending amazon deliveries. As we begin our final practicum, I pray that I see grace in this process. I hope that the program shows us grace as we try to learn and teach during a worldwide pandemic. I hope they show us grace as we are expected to pivot at a moments notice. I hope the teachers out there show us grace as we come into their classroom and put our skills to the test. I hope the students show us grace as they see we are learning along with them. I hope my friends and family show me grace as I slip into the abyss of this practicum and no longer have the time, we have grown so accustom to over the Christmas break. I hope my dog shows me grace as I transition from being by his side all day to beginning my 10-week practicum journey into a routine that will one day be our reality. I hope I show myself grace as I set goals and try new things. I hope I accept failures graciously and know that failing is just my first attempt at trying. I hope I am gracious with myself as I set expectations for this practicum and my abilities but also gracious with myself as I start personal journeys of growth in my life. I aspire to show grace towards my professors as well as the teachers who have graciously given up 10 weeks of their time to teach me. I hope that they see through my actions and my efforts how grateful I am for them and the role everyone has played in getting me to my destination of becoming a teacher.
Lastly but certainly not least I hope this year is filled with grace for our young learners. These young minds have been living through a worldwide pandemic. They have seen things and experienced things I could never fathom going through at their age. I promise that through this practicum I will be showing each student the grace they need to succeed. We owe it to them to give them the best of us and in order to do that we must be understanding. These amazing strong young people need our grace.