Educators engage in professional learning.
Through my time in the Education program as well as throughout my practicums I have actively engaged in Professional Development days as well as Staff meetings. It is important as educators that we embrace a career of lifelong learning and growth. Education is not a stagnant career but instead a career that encourages change and development as we learn new ways to grow and impact our young learners.
I found it so beneficial to interact with the school community in staff meetings as we planned and developed ideas to incorporate into the school and our students’ learnings. It was beneficial to share and discuss ideas and hear all points of view. Being open minded and interactive with one another as staff is a great way to implement a safe and open learning environment for our learners.
I have found professional development days to be extremely rewarding as we come together weather that be in person or remotely to share and collaborate ways to grow as educators. I attended an Indigenous day of learning that was very eye opening and rewarding and pact with so much information and encouragement. I also collaborated remotely with two fellow learners as we learned about assessment and outdoor education. And during my 491 practicum I was engaged with my fellow teaching staff at Big Lake Elementary where we worked as a team to assess our school wide writes as well as attended a virtual seminar. All of these experiences have been very beneficial to my growth as a young educator, and I value the lessons I learned along the way.